
Everything You Need to Know About ConcentratesBuy high-quality cannabis concentrates from Global High Store; wide selection of single strains plus edibles, waxes and oils available at discounted prices.


Hey there, middle schoolers! Today, we’re going to talk about concentrates. You might have heard this word before, but what exactly are concentrates? Well, let’s find out!

What are Concentrates?

Concentrates are a type of substance that is made by extracting the most potent parts of a plant or a material. These parts contain a high concentration of the desired compounds, which is why they are called concentrates. It’s like getting the best of the best!

Types of Concentrates

There are different types of concentrates out there. Here are a few examples:

  • Wax: This concentrate has a waxy texture and is usually made from cannabis.
  • Shatter: Shatter is a hard and brittle concentrate that looks like glass.
  • Oil: Concentrates in oil form are often used in vape pens.

How to Buy Concentrates

Now that you know what concentrates are, you might be wondering where you can buy them. Well, you have a few options:

Buying Concentrates Online

One way to buy concentrates is by purchasing them online. There are many websites that sell concentrates, and you can have them delivered right to your doorstep. Just make sure to ask an adult for help and permission before making any online purchases.

Local Stores

You can also find concentrates at local stores, such as dispensaries or smoke shops. These places usually have a wide variety of concentrates to choose from, and you can ask the staff for recommendations or any questions you may have.

Uses of Concentrates

Concentrates have various uses depending on the type and the plant they come from. Here are a few common uses:

Medicinal Purposes

Some concentrates, like CBD oil, are used for medicinal purposes. They can help with pain relief, reducing anxiety, and even treating certain medical conditions. However, it’s important to consult with a doctor before using concentrates for medicinal purposes.

Recreational Use

Many people use concentrates for recreational purposes. They can be used in vaporizers, dab rigs, or even added to food and drinks. Just remember, if you’re underage, it’s illegal to use concentrates for recreational purposes.

Effects of Concentrates

When it comes to the effects of concentrates, it can vary depending on the type and the person using them. Here are a few general effects:

Stronger High

Concentrates are known for their potency, which means they can provide a stronger high compared to other forms of the plant. This is why it’s important to start with small doses and take it slow if you decide to try concentrates.

Quick Onset

Another thing to keep in mind is that concentrates can have a quicker onset compared to other forms. This means that the effects can kick in faster, so it’s important to be aware of your limits and consume responsibly.


So, there you have it, middle schoolers! Now you know what concentrates are, how to buy them, and some of their uses and effects. Remember, if you ever have any questions or decide to try concentrates in the future, always talk to a trusted adult and make sure to stay safe!

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